IT Stuff

Search Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is not a search engine?

Duck Duck Go

Correct answer: BBC

The BBC website has news and other features

Question 2

What happens if you click "I'm Feeling Lucky" on a Google search?

It searches for lottery numbers
You see a list of betting websites
You go to straight to the top site on the results page

Correct answer: You go to straight to the top site

Question 3

What are search terms?

The terms and conditions you agree to when you use a search engine
The words you type into a search box
The results you see after a search
The number of results you get

Correct answer: The words you type into a search box

Also known as keywords

Question 4

What symbol is commonly used on the button you click to perform a search?

Sherlock Holmes
A house
An arrow pointing up
A magnifying glass

Correct answer: magnifying glass

Question 5

The web address for Google is What does https tell you?

Data exchanged between your browser and Google is encrypted
Google does not store details of your search
Nothing, all addresses start this way
Google does not collect data about you

Correct answer: data is encrypted

Sites that are not encrypted have addresses starting with http

Question 6

Who owns the Bing Search Engine?


Correct answer: Microsoft

Question 7

Which of the following is not a search category on Google?


Correct answer: Documents

Question 8

You can use a phrase search on Google by enclosing your search terms in quotation marks - "". What does this do?

Searches for song lyrics only
Finds pages with the search terms together in that precise order
Finds pages without these words
Searches in a special dictionary of quotations

Correct answer: Finds pages with the search terms in that precise order

Question 9

After you type your search terms and perform the search, Google shows you a list of results. How can you visit one of the pages on the results list?

Click on the blue text at the top of the result
Click on the green web address
You can't, Google doesn't link to pages
Click the Google logo

Correct answer: Click on the blue text at the top

Question 10

What checks does Google make on the search results?

It ensures that all facts on the websites are true
It only gives links to websites from approved organisations
It makes sure that results are up-to-date
None of the above

Correct answer: none of the above

Question 11

How can you exclude the word music from the results on Google?

Put a dash directly before the word in your search terms: -music
Don't use the word in search terms
Type 'exclude' before the word
Put a star after the word: music*

Correct answer: Put a dash directly before the word

Question 12

When you search on Google, roughly how many web pages does it check?


Correct answer: 1,000,000,000

Google searches billions of pages

Question 13

How can you check the information on a web page is reliable?

Compare it with information of other sites
Check who is behind the website to see if they are biased
Look for a date on the web page to check if the information is current
All of the above

Correct answer: All of the above

Question 14

Google sometimes includes adverts among the search results, where do these appear?

Anywhere in the results
At the top, marked as 'Sponsored'
At the bottom
Google does not show adverts

Correct answer: At the top, marked as 'sponsored'

Question 15

How did Google get its name?

It means 'search' in Russian
It's named after the number googol which is 1 followed by 100 zeroes
It was chosen in a competition
It's the surname of the founder

Correct answer: the number googol

Question 16

Who are the founders of Google? More than one answer may be correct.

  • Larry Page
  • Bill Gates
  • Sergey Brin
  • Steve Jobs

Correct answer: Larry Page and Sergey Brin

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