IT Stuff

Searching & Forms

Search Engines

There are billions of pages on the world wide web so you need a way of quickly finding the information you need. Search engines use programs called spiders that visit millions of pages and take note of the information on the page. This allows you to type words - search terms - into the search engine, they search through all the pages they know about and show you a list of results.

You have a choice which search engine to use, currently (2017) Google is the most popular, but there are others.

Remember that instead of going to a search engine, you can type your search terms directly into your browser's address bar. This will use your browser's default search engine which might be Google or Bing or something else.

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How to search

For this example we will search Google for Dumbarton Rock

  1. Go to the Google website: if you use the link on the list of search engines above, Google will open in a new tab in your browser
  2. Make sure the cursor is in Google's search box (the cursor is a flashing vertical line that shows you where any text you type will go)
  3. Type dumbarton rock (your search terms) into the search box. You don't need to use capital letters but do leave spaces between the words
  4. As you type, you might see a list of suggestions appear below the search terms. You can click on one of these if it's what you're looking for but we won't bother this time
  5. Finally, click the search button or press enter on your keyboard

The Results

After you click the search button or press enter you should see a list of results similar to those below (I have only shown the top 3 results). Each result shows:

You can also see a list of search categories. At the moment you're looking at all the results, but if you just want pictures of Dumbarton Rock then click Images; if you want to know where it is, click Maps and so on.

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Image Search

You can use Google (or other search engines) to find pictures:

  1. Click on Images from the list of categories
  2. You should see a page of small thumbnail images - click on any of them
  3. Click View image to see a full-size version of the picture

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Search Tips

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Web Forms

Some pages you visit on the web need you to give them some information before you can get what you want. Usually there will be a form for you to fill out.

Forms usually have a number of fields that let you input different types of information - text, dates, passwords etc. You need to click in each field in turn to get the cursor into the field and start typing (or use another input method). Once the form is completed, there will be a button that you click to submit your info.

Tip: You can use the tab key on your keyboard (above caps lock) to move to the next field on a form.

Sample form

Try filling out the form below. Remember to click in the field you want to use.

Some websites that use forms

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