IT Stuff

Security Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following are strong passwords?

  • Library123
  • 159486273
  • 4Frt6G7-B9
  • mkinfrgskevp

Correct answer: Library123 and 4Frt6G7-B9

Strong passwords are at least 8 characters long and have a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters and numbers

Question 2

How can you keep a password safe?

Write it down
Tell it to someone you trust
Keep it secret
Use the same password for every account

Correct answer: keep it secret

Question 3

The financial firm Equifax was hacked in 2017. How many records did the hackers get access to?


Correct answer: 143,000,000

Question 4

What precautions can you take in case one of your accounts is hacked?

  • Use a strong password
  • Delete your account after you hear about the incident
  • Nothing
  • Don't use the same password for all accounts

Correct answer: use strong passwords and don't use the same password for multiple accounts

Strong passwords will be harder for the hackers to access, and using different passwords means that your other accounts will not be compromised

Question 5

Remembering different passwords for every account is difficult so many people use a password manager to do this for them. Which of the following are password managers?

  • SharePoint
  • Dashlane
  • Bootstrap
  • LastPass

Dashlane and LastPass

Question 6

Which of the following could contain a computer virus?

  • Removable storage, like USB drives or CDs
  • Email attachments
  • Internet downloads
  • PDF documents

Correct answer: all of the above

Question 7

Which of the following is not a type of anti-virus software?


Correct answer: Adobe

Question 8

Why does anti-virus software need to update itself regularly?

To check you have paid for the software
To get descriptions of the latest viruses
To show the current date
It doesn't need to update regularly

Correct answer: To get descriptions of the latest viruses

This lets it scan for the latest viruses

Question 9

Why would you be suspicious of an email with an attachment?

  • You do not know the sender
  • You know the sender, but you were not expecting the attachment
  • All attachments are suspicious
  • It's from an organisation you have an account with, but your name doesn't appear on the email

Correct answer: unknown sender, unexpected attachment or your name doesn't appear on the email

If your name doesn't appear, it could be that criminals are sending the same email to millions of people hoping that some open the attachment.

Question 10

Viruses are a type of malware, or malicious software. Which of the following are other types?

  • Worm
  • Gopher
  • Trojan
  • Rootkit

Correct answer: unknown sender, unexpected attachment or your name doesn't appear on the email

If your name doesn't appear, it could be that criminals are sending the same email to millions of people hoping that some open the attachment.

Question 11

Secure websites give you protection when you're giving personal data on the Internet. How can you tell you're on a secure site?

  • https appears in the address box instead of http
  • All websites are secure
  • The website asks for your personal details
  • A padlock appears in the address box

Correct answer: https and padlock

Question 12

What security do secure sites provide?

They verify that all text on the site is accurate
They encrypt all data exchanged with the site
They confirm that the site has a good customer service record
All of the above

Correct answer: They encrypt all data exchanged with the site

Question 13

What does 'backup' mean?

The process of starting a computer
A web server
Data loss due to computer failure
Make a copy of important data

Correct answer: Make a copy of important data

Question 14

Which of the following could cause data loss?

  • An employee accidentally deletes files
  • Equipment failure - hardware or software
  • Natural disaster
  • Crime - hackers, viruses etc

Correct answer: all of the above

There are also other causes of data loss such as power loss or intentional employee actions.

Question 15

Organisations could implement a backup policy to minimise the risk of data loss. What might this policy cover?

  • Deciding who is responsible for backing up data
  • What data should be backed up
  • How often should back ups take place
  • What type of storage should be used for backups

Correct answer: all of the above

The exact details of the policy would vary depending on the needs of the organisation.

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